The month of Shvat
It's the Jewish month of Shvat and this Monday we will celebrate the unofficial first day of spring called Tu B’Shvat (in Hebrew: the 15th day of the month of Shvat). Tu B’Shvat is also known as Rosh HaShanah La'ilanot - the New Year for the Trees.
Tu B'Shvat in the States and In Israel
Growing up in the States, the holiday was all about eating bokser (Carob fruit); but here in Israel, the holiday enjoys a very different vibe. While things may feel a little different this year due to Covid restrictions, let me share with you how we celebrate Tu B'Shvat. Most schools use the holiday as a springboard for teaching about ecological sustainability and nursery school children proudly make their way home with a potted sapling in hand. Trails are filled with students escaping the confines of the classroom, hoping to see the season’s first flowering almond trees. Local plant nurseries are filled with families using the holiday as a reminder to start planning their summer gardens. And the news is peppered with stories about successful new farming techniques developed here in Israel.
The history of Tu B'Shvat
What is the history of this much-loved Israeli celebration of nature? Israel is Beautiful is happy to share some background with you.
The Torah (Leviticus 19:23) tell us that when the Children of Israel would enter the land and plant trees, the fruit of the trees would be forbidden to them for three years. But the farmers needed a date to begin counting those years. The rabbis, after much discussion, established the 15th of Shvat as the New Year for the Trees. Why this date?
Counting the years
Well, before we answer that question, it’s important to understand the importance of fruit trees in the Land of Israel. Even after the three years, the farmers could not immediately benefit from them. In the fourth year, the fruit had to be presented to the priests serving in the Holy Temple as a way to thank G-d for the bounty of the land. It wasn’t until the fifth year that the fruit really belonged to the farmers to do with as they wished. And, in Leviticus chapter 20, shortly after the discussion of allowing the trees to mature before taking their fruit, the Israelites are warned not to destroy the fruit trees when they are involved in a protracted battle. The fruit trees provide sustenance and their bounty cannot be taken for granted.
So, again, why did the rabbis establish the new year for the trees on the 15th day of Shvat? Shvat usually comes out between late January to mid-February. By this point, the majority of the rainfall in Israel has fallen and Israeli farmers can plant in the rich, drenched soil.
A Tu B'shvat seder
The spirituality of the day is marked with Tu B’Shvat seders inspired by kabbalistic comparisons between the hidden inner spark of all human beings with the inner potential of life found hidden in the seeds of fruits and nuts. Similar is some ways to the Pesach (Passover) Seder, the Tu B’Shvat seder is celebrated with friends and family as they pass around elaborate platters piled high with fruits and nuts, wines of Israel and baked good filled with nuts and dried fruits. Blessings are recited over each fruit and nut eaten, biblical and kabbalistic passages, relating to the potential of man and the trees of Israel, are read and a general atmosphere of joy and a sense of pride in Israel's produce is shared by all.
While Tu B’Shvat seders may be relegated to Zoom or very small groups this year, Israelis can still mark the holiday by looking for the first blossoming almond trees and planning their summer gardens on balconies, terraces, back yards and even on windowsills.
Wishing you all a very green and happy Tu B'shvat.
Israel is Beautiful was developed by Onnie Schiffmiller and Dr. Peter Abelow, both licensed tour guides, with a shared love of the Land of Israel, sharing nearly thirty years of professional tour guiding experience. The premise is simple, Israel is Beautiful brings Israel, in all its beauty, into the comfort of your home via weekly you-are-there video tours, along with Meet the Tour Guide video chats. Join us in this adventure, subscribe today and begin your own personal journey of the Holy land with Israel is Beautiful.